The Mountains and the Sea
Soli Deo Gloria Cantorum
Almeda Berkey, Music Director

Take a Trip to The Mountains and The Sea!

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$15.98 / $10.98
SDG 92 CD/Cassette

The American Visions video series served as the basis for this album which was later augmented with the voices of Soli Deo Gloria Cantorum. Jackson Berkey's original music will carry you on a wonderful journey through the Great Smoky Mountains (The Mountains) and Olympic National Park (The Sea), two of our most visited national parks. The beautiful sound of the Baldwin SD-10 Concert Grand is mixed with acoustic and synthetic
textures along with the voices of the Cantorum. All musical elements are then combined with actual recorded sounds of nature from each park. It's literally just like being there!

Order your
The Mountains and The Sea and enjoy the trip!
Order Toll-Free 1-888-303-4112

THE MUSIC OF The mountains and the sea
Quotes & Reviews
Invitation to the Mountains
Newfound Gap
Invitation to the Sea
Mount Olympus
Rainbow Falls
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Cade's Cove
Smoky Mountain Dulcimer
Mountain Morning
Olympic Winter
Sam Squirrel
Rialto Beach
Shenandoah Memories
Appalachian Images
Mountain Elk Mists
The Mountains and The Sea
"Jackson Berkey's music can enhance your perception and make you aware of these great gifts of the Creation."
Mindener Zeitung,
Minden, Germany

"This is a dazzling voyage of the imagination where the ocean is calm and sunlit, the scenery colorful and inviting, and your companions are musicians you can trust. Add it to the list of projects I wish I had done myself."
John Rutter

"A dreamy, 51-minute evocation of famous American mountains and coasts ... quite beautiful."
Jeff Bradley,
Denver Post Magazine

"A vibrant combination of nature, majestic piano sounds coupled with lovely choral arrangements which linger beyond the too-soon end. Immensely enjoyable!"
Dr. James Henery,
Ashland Times-Gazette

"An aural travelogue, one capturing the grandeur and symbiosis of mountains, water and sea."
Ray Boren, Deseret News

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