Arvo • the Magnificat
Soli Deo Gloria Cantorum
Almeda Berkey, Music Director

Arvo is definitely a MagnifiCAT!!


Suggested Retail
$15.98 / $10.98
SDG 941 CD/Cassette

Yes! ARVO is the name of our Birman cat. And the CD recording does include Arvo Pärt's Magnificat. And they DO say MagnifiCAT in Canada! This mostly-classical offering from Almeda Berkey and Soli Deo Gloria Cantorum features a sampling of music over the centuries plus two works from Jackson Berkey's published catalog: God Be In My Head and the compelling Native American Ambiances for Native American Flute, Mixed Chorus, Natural Environmental Sounds and Percussion. You'll love the natural sounds of wolves and wind; birds and running water; Native American Flute and voices!
Also featured, the Sacred Songs of Swedish composer August Söderman. This Walton publication, introduced in the United States by the late Norman Luboff, has been available for many years now, but the Cantorum's recording is the first! Almeda Berkey's reading includes Jackson's double string quartet setting of the original organ part.
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Quotes & Reviews
The Gift to be Simple (Chilcott)

God Be In My Head (Berkey)

Tu Es Petrus (Palestrina)

Sacred Songs (Söderman)

Magnificat (Pärt)

Ave Verum Corpus (Raminsh)

Native American Ambiances (Berkey)

Loon Lake by Morning

The Sacred Earth

Prairie Fire

This We Know

The Web of Life

"No lover of choral music will want to miss this joyful expression of some of today's most joyous music."
David Vernier, CD Review

"This is one of the most beautiful choral albums I've heard this year."
American Record Guide

"The Native American Ambiances are wonderful and the recording is splendid!"
Earl Rivers,
Vocal Arts Ensemble of Cincinnati

"Your performance of my Ave verum corpus is truly gorgeous."
Imant Raminsh, Composer

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