Gaudete • the natural state of man is joy
Soli Deo Gloria Cantorum
Almeda Berkey, Music Director

Music to Celebrate Christmas and Advent


Suggested Retail
$15.98 / $10.98
SDG 91 CD/Cassette

Gaudete -The Natural State of Man is Joy features the first commercially available recording of the wonderful Gaudete by Swedish composer, Anders Ohrwall. First introduced in the United States by Norman Luboff, the Berkeys championed it through performances at the University of Nebraska, Omaha. Further readings and concerts by the Cantorum led to its being the centerpiece for this Christmas album.
Gaudete, the Cantorum's second CD for SDG Records, also includes music of Christmas and Advent and features three of Jackson's Anniversary Carols. Selections by Rachmaninoff, Victoria, Bruckner, Sweelinck, Tschesnokoff and Brent Pierce complete this holiday listening collection.
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Quotes & Reviews
Angels We Have Heard On High (Berkey)
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Berkey)
Gaudete (Ohrwall)
The Glory of the Father (Hovland)
O Magnum Mysterium (Victoria)
Angelus Ad Pastores (Sweelinck)
Ave Maria (Bruckner)
Salvation is Created (Tschenokoff)
Ave Maria (Rachmaninoff)
Glory Be To God (Rachmaninoff)
Jesu, Son Most Sweet and Dear (Brumby/Berkey)
How Still He Rests (Pierce)
"This well-chosen and exceptionally well-sung program should prove a satisfying addition to your library"
David Vernier, CD Review

"A marvelous choir and a really exciting recording!"
Anders Ohrwall,
composer of "Gaudete"

"A beautiful recording in every way."
John Rutter

"I could hardly tear myself away from the rich choral sounds ... singing some new, some old, but always singing well!"
William H. Rayborn,The Church Music Report

"Gaudete is a lovely disc and the performance is superb."
Jacqueline Brokaw

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